


University of Taipei Academic Year 2023 Summer Break Student Activity Safety Precaution


As summer break is coming, for the health and security of students, please enforce the safety measures mentioned below, to prevent students from inappropriate venues and jobs which does not have safety measures.

  • 誠騙防制(Fraud prevention):
  • 勿點選不明簡訊網址,避免手機中毒被當成跳板而四處散發簡訊,使歹徒有機可乘。並建立安全使用智慧型手機的觀念,於使用網路聊天APP(如Line)時,請慎防及提高警覺,切勿洩漏帳號與密碼,被歹徒盜用後進行詐騙成為詐騙受害者。

Do not click on any unknown website provided in the text message to avoid virus on the mobile phone and further being used as a stepping stone to spread out text message and provide opportunities to criminals. When using the online chatting APP (such as Line), do not disclose your account and password to avoid being stolen by criminals for fraud and becoming the victim of fraud.

  • 歹徒常利用小額付費機制進行詐騙,甚至先開通被害人小額付費服務後再行騙代收認證簡訊。多一分謹慎就多一分保障,建議學生可向電信公司申請關閉手機小額付費功能,並且切勿代收簡訊。

Criminals often use small payment mechanism for fraud and even activate small payment service on behalf of the victim before sending out the fraud text message for collection verification. The more caution you have, the more protection you get. It is suggested students shall apply to the telecommunications company to turn off the function of small payment on the mobile phone, and do not receive text message on behalf of other people.

  • 反詐騙3步驟:「保持冷靜」、「小心查證」、「立即警或撥打165反詐騙諮詢專線」尋求協助。

Three steps for anti-fraud: “keep calm”, “check carefully”, and “call police immediately or call 165 anti-fraud consultation hotline for help”.

  • 近年來詐騙集團盜用帳號後假冒親友借錢案件也越來越多,呼籲學生應善用通訊軟體的安全設定,例如關閉「允許自其他裝置登入」功能,以降低被盜用機率;另學生或其家屬接到親友使用通訊軟體傳訊息借錢時,應當面或電話與對方聯絡,未確認真偽以前不可貿然匯款,以免上當。

Turn off the function of “allowing other device to log in” on the mobile phone to reduce the probability of being misappropriated. When receiving a text message from relatives or friends through a communication software for money borrowing, please do check with the other party face-to-face or on the phone. Do not transfer any money before confirming the actual situation to avoid falling for it.

  • 家長及各校師生可透過查詢內政部警政署「165全民防騙」網站公告資訊(網址https://165.npa. gov/tw/#/),或加入內政部警政署165反詐騙LINE官網下載最新詐騙手法,以避免受騙上當。

The website of 165 National Anti-Fraud by National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior: http://www.165.gov.tw/index.aspx

  • 為提升校園識詐宣導工作,本部已建置「教育部詐騙防制專區網站」(https://reurl.cc//Adx93Q),包括「首頁-最新消息」、「宣導素材」、「詐騙態樣」、「打詐政策」、「聯繫網絡」及「相關連結」等子網頁。

For enforcing anti-fraud promotion,anti-fraud education website(https://reurl.cc//Adx93Q) has been constructed, including information such as latest news,promotion methods,policies against fraud, and contact information.

  • 交通安全(Traffic Safety):
  1. 自行車道路安全:請配戴自行車安全帽,行進間勿以手持方式使用行動電話,保持自行車安全設備良好與完整,不可附載坐人、人車共道,請禮讓行人優先通行、行人穿越道上不能騎自行車,請下車牽車,依規定兩段式左(右)轉、行駛時,不得爭先、爭道、並行競駛或以其他危險方式駕駛,遵守行車秩序規範。

Cyclists’ safety: Please wear helmet correctly, do not talk on the phone when driving, check whether the safety measures are functional, passengers and driving on pavements are not allowed, always remember that pedestrians first, do not ride on pedestrian crossings, do the left turn in two stages, and drive with politness.

  1. 機車安全:請正確配戴安全帽、全天開頭燈、勿無照騎車、行車時勿當低頭族、勿以手持方式使用行動電話、勿任意變換車道、路口禮讓行人、禁止飆車,並勿將機車借給無適當駕照的人,大型車轉彎半徑大並有視覺死角,避免過於靠近行駛於大型車前或併行,以維護生命安全。

Motorcyclist safety: Please wear the helmet correctly, turn on the headlight for the journey, do not ride without license, do not be a phubber while riding, do not use a mobile phone with a handheld approach, do not change lanes without any indication, give way to pedestrians at crossings, no racing, and do not lend the motorcycle to anyone who does not have a proper license. Large vehicles require bigger radius of turn and they usually have blind spots. Please avoid getting close to a large vehicle or ride in parallel with the vehicle to protect your safety and life.

  1. 電動自行車安全:請正確配戴安全帽、不可附載坐人、行車時勿當低頭族、勿以手持方式使用行動電話、行駛慢車道,不可行駛人行道或快車道、路口禮讓行人、不可擅自增、減、變更電子控制裝置或原有規格, 大型車轉彎半徑大並有視覺死角,避免過於靠近行駛於大型車前或併行,以維護生命安全。

Electrical motorcycle safety: Please wear helmet correctly, passengers are not allowed, do not use cell phone when driving, use slow traffic lanes, driving on sidewalks and fast traffic lanes are forbidden, do not change control settings, do not drive too close to heavy vehicles.

  1. 行人道路安全:穿越道路時請遵守交通號誌指示或警察之指揮,不任意穿越車道、闖紅燈,不任意跨越護欄及安全島,不侵犯車輛通行的路權,穿著亮色及有反光的衣服、在安全路口通過道路、預留充足的時間,勿與沒耐性的駕駛人搶道。

Pedestrian’s road safety: When going across roads, please follow the traffic lights or the instruction from the policeman. Do not jaywalk, do not run a red light, do not cross barriers and refuge islands freely, do not violate the right-of-way, wear bright and reflective clothes, go across roads at the safe crossings, reserve sufficient time, avoid getting too close to the large vehicle or walk in parallel with the vehicle to protect life safety.

  1. 防範無照駕駛違規:由於無照駕駛已經造成車輛與行人的危險,如經查獲,將依據道路交通管理處罰條例第 21 條第 1 項第 1 款規定,處新臺幣六千元以上一萬二千元以下罰鍰,並當場禁止駕駛;另未滿十八歲的青少年無照駕駛時,除了應繳交罰鍰以外,青少年以及父母等法定代理人還須依據同條第 3 項規定,參加道路交通安全講習。提醒學生,在未合法考取駕照前應勿以身試法,鋌而走險,無照駕駛不僅違規觸法,更甚者可能傷及他人與自己身體或生命。

Do not drive without license: Driving without license has threatened the safety of others, the disobeys would be fined for 6,000NTD to 12,000NTD according to Act Governing the Punishment of Violation of Road Traffic Regulations; Meanwhile, the disobeys who are under 18 years must also participate road safety lectures.

  • 工讀安全(Part-time work safety):

暑假期間學生打工可參考勞動部「職場高手秘笈」勞動權益教育宣導手冊,遵循三要準備、七不原則—「要確定、要存疑、要告知」、「不繳錢、不購買、不簽約、證件不離身、不非法工作、不飲用、不辦卡」, 如果發生受騙或誤入求職陷阱,致勞動權益受損,可撥打當地勞工局電話,請求專人協助救濟權利;另上開秘笈已置於勞動部官網(https://www.mol.gov.tw/service/16476/) 及本部青年發展署「RICH 職場體驗網」(https://rich.yda.gov.tw)職場權益專區可供運用。

Part-time work safety: Please follow three-must preparation and seven-no principle – “must confirm, must be suspicious, must inform” and “no payment, no purchasing, no entering a contract, no leaving the I.D. card behind, no illegal work, no drinking, no card application”. (part-time work rights and interests zone at official website of Ministry of Labor (https://www.mol.gov.tw) and RICH Work Experience developed by Youth Development Administration, MOE (https://rich.yda.gov.tw))

  • 活動安全(Activity safety):
  • 室內活動:

室內活動包含圖書館、電影院、百貨公司賣場、KTV、MTV、室內演唱會、室內團體活動等,從事該項活動時,首先應選擇安全無疑慮之場所並熟悉逃生路線及逃生設備,學校應提醒學生熟悉相關消防(逃 生)器材操作,如滅火器、緩降機等,並以保護自身安全為原則,方能確保學生從事室內活動時之安全。其次,應告誡同學避免涉足不正當場所,以免產生人身安全問題。

For indoor activity, please make sure you are familiar with the evacuation route and equipment. Do not go to any improper place in order to avoid any issue related to personal safety.

  • 戶外活動:



  1. 登山者應充分鍛鍊體能,並且持續性的練習。
  2. 參加人員應瞭解登山前的準備工作是確保安全的唯一途徑,積極準備事前工作,另須研讀目標山區環境與活動風險,並瞭解團隊間溝通和互助的重要性。登山前應充分瞭解登山的潛在風險,選擇合適的山域,查詢天氣、地形、路線路況、鄰近救援與醫護資訊等,組成安全性高的隊伍結構。另請注意登山路線有無入山、入園申請之相關規定,登山途中應注意山域或設施相關警告及標示。
  3. 請攜帶適合的登山衣著、糧食、飲水、背包、鞋子、手杖及通訊設備等相關裝備,充分準備之後再出發。擬定詳實的登山計畫書,投保相關保險,充分保障參加人員的安全。
  4. 行進間須注意調節呼吸及步伐節奏,確實掌控速度及讀圖定位;活動有專業人力能因應緊急事故的風險評估與危機處置,並熟悉急救與相關醫護藥品等處置方式。

When hiking, students should make enough preparation, and act with five basic elements: strength, manners, knowledge, gears and skills.

  1. Hikers should have enough body strength, and practice continuously.
  2. Participators should realize that it is essential to make preparations. Despite of making preparation, hikers should familiar with the environment of the target area and make risk valuation if needed. Also, work in group is important. Studying potential risks of hiking beforehand, choose suitable areas, confirm information about weather, terrain, route and medical supports. Gather a reliable team. Be aware of the applications about entering the area, and mind the signs when hiking.
  3. Please bring enough food and water, suitable communication equipment and wearing are also required. Planning with details and getting insurance could enhance the safety of the activity.
  4. Mind your breathing and pace during hiking, study your position and speed; work with medical and hiking professionals could make the safety of the activity much further.

從事水域活動例如在游泳池、開放水域游泳或戲水,應注意「防溺10 招」及正確救人之「救溺 5 步」:

  1. 防溺 10 招(五不五要):
  1. 不長時:不要長時間浸泡在水中,小心失溫。
  2. 不疲累:身體疲累狀況不佳,不要戲水游泳。
  3. 不跳水:避免做出危險行為,不要跳水。
  4. 不落單:不要落單,隨時注意同伴狀況位置。
  5. 不嬉鬧:不可在水中嬉鬧惡作劇。
  6. 要合法:戲水地點需合法,要有救生設備與人員。
  7. 要暖身:下水前先暖身,不可穿著牛仔褲下水。
  8. 要注意:注意氣象報告,現場氣候不佳不要戲水。
  9. 要冷靜:加強游泳漂浮技巧,不幸落水保持冷靜放鬆。
  10. 要小心:湖泊溪流落差變化大,戲水游泳格外小心。
  1. 救溺 5 步: 叫叫伸拋划、救溺先自保。
  1. 叫:大聲呼救。
  2. 叫:呼叫 119、118、110、112。
  3. 伸:利用延伸物(竹竿、樹枝等)。
  4. 拋:拋送漂浮物(球、繩、瓶等)。
  5. 划:利用大型浮具划過去(船、救生圈、浮木、救生浮標等)。

In water activities, please follow guidance of drowned prevention and helping people who drowned:

  1. Drowned prevention:
  1. Do not stay in water too long;
  2. Do not get in water when tired;
  3. Do not jump in water;
  4. Keep up with your friends;
  5. Do not make pranks in water;
  6. Play in authorized areas;
  7. Warm up before the activity;
  8. Be aware of weather news, do not act in bad weather;
  9. Keep calm when facing dangerous situation;
  10. Be careful when swimming in turbulent water.
  1. Helping people who drowned:
  1. Yell for help;
  2. Call emergency services(119, 118, 110, 112) for help;
  3. Branches or other salvation equipment might help;
  4. Throw materials which flow to help;
  5. Go and help when equipped salvation equipment such as boat or lifebuoy.

另有關登山活動安全應行注意事項,請各校依本部 109 年 8 月 25日臺教學(五)字第 1090124278 號函辦理。學校請將暑假期間學校辦理2 日(含)以上戶外活動情形,至教育部部校安中心網頁「表報作業」選項, 填報「各級學校戶外活動登錄系統」,以利各校戶外活動安全掌握。

Outdoor activity: First, pay attention on the change of the weather and be familiar with the geographical environment. For those who would like to hold an outdoor activity for more than two (inclusive) days, please fill out and submit extra-school activity application form and list (https://military.utaipei.edu.tw/p/405-1038-31635,c6.php?Lang=zh-tw) for approval before sending it to the campus security office to complete the registration and management operation required by Ministry of Education.

  • 系科宿營及營隊活動:

辦理系科宿營或營隊等相關活動時,應以教育目的為優先考量,並請學校善盡輔導責任,引導學生正向發展,為事前預防學生參與此類活動發生疑似校園性侵害、性騷擾或性霸凌事件,請各校應依教育部 109 年 10 月 12 日修正發布之「大專校院處理學生辦理活動發生疑似校園性侵害、性騷擾或是性霸凌事件注意事項」辦理,視活動期程,安排行講習,並定期提報學校性別平等教育委員會列管追蹤辦理情形,且相關活動應維護學生學習權、受教權、身體自主權、人格發展權及人身安全,避免性別偏見或性別歧視,俾增進學生之健全人格發展,共同營造友善校園。

The encampment and camp activities held by the department shall put the purpose of education as the first consideration. All incidents suspected to be related to campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual abuse shall be prevented.

  • 藥物濫用防制(Drug abuse prevention):
  • 市面上新興毒品具有精美包裝之特徵,易降低施用者對於毒品的警戒性,且多為混合性毒品,尤其當含有 PMMA(強力搖頭丸)成分致死率極高。此外俗稱「吸氣球」的笑氣(一氧化二氮)更會造成中樞及末梢神經損傷,嚴重者可能會肢體癱瘓,另環保署已將工業用笑氣納入毒管法之「關注化學物質」管理,吸食過量將危害人體健康(相關資訊請參考教育部防制學生藥物濫用資源網站 http://enc.moe.edu.tw/)。

The emerging mixed drugs cause greater danger and fatality rate:  http://enc.moe.edu.tw/Home/Drugs.

  • 新興毒品可能透過通訊軟體販賣、利用短影音APP附加QR碼提供貨品,請提醒家長留意學生,對於各式通訊軟體上奇怪的暗語及販售高於平常市價金額的物品都要提高警覺,避免學生涉入網路販毒;另注意大麻與「墨西哥鼠尾草」(Salvia divinorum)在臺灣分別列為第二、三級毒品,千萬不要購買、使用,以免涉法(相關資訊請參考本部防制學生藥物濫用資源網站http://enc.moe.edu.tw/)。

New drugs may supplyed by using messages,QR code from short video application, please be aware of unusual trades in social media from students,in oder to prevent students from drug selling; also, weed and Salvia divinorum is second and thrid grade drugs in Taiwan,do not attemt to buy and use so not to violate the law.

  • 為避免學生因對毒品危害及濫用藥物認知不足而好奇誤用,請各級學校提醒家長關心學生校內外交友及學習狀況,暑假期間應保持正常及規律生活作息,不依賴藥物提神,非醫師處方藥物不要輕易使用,拒絕成癮物質;參加聚會活動時,務必提高警覺並且不隨意接受陌生人的物品及飲料,守法自律、做正確的選擇才能隔絕受同儕及校外人士引誘。

During summer break, students shall maintain normal and regular lifestyle. Do not rely on drugs to refresh yourself, do not use any non-prescribed medication, and refuse any addictive substance. When participating in gatherings and activities, make sure you pay extra attention and do not accept any item and drink from a stranger.

  • 倘學生不幸誤觸毒品,請提醒家長與學校師長聯繫尋求協助,學校與家人的鼓勵與支持是最好的後盾,瞭解青年學子使用毒品的情境及原因, 對症下藥根除這些問題,共同輔導並提供適性、多元學習方案,避免學生中輟或休、轉、退學離校,以協助走出對毒品的依賴性。相關求助諮詢專線為各縣市家庭教育中心(諮詢專線:412-8185)或毒品危害防制中心(諮詢專線:0800-770-885),以協助青年學子遠離毒害。

If you use any drug by mistake, please seek help from Family Education Center at each county or city (hotline: 412-8185) or from Drug Hazard Control Center (drug rehabilitation hotline: 0800-770-885).

  • 為防杜藥頭危害校園安全,請學校師長多加留意關心,另提供情資協助檢警循線查緝,打擊校園及社區藥物濫用情形,以營造「健康校園」。

For preventing drug dealers from school campus, teachers and parents should be careful of possible threats, and notify police when necessary.

  • 校園及人身安全(Campus and personal safety):
  • 暑假期間配合學校作息,上學勿單獨太早到校,避免單獨至校園偏僻的死角,確保自身安全。學生放學不要太晚離開校園,或由家人陪同,絕不單獨行經漆黑小巷或人煙罕至的地方及進出危險場所。

During summer break, do not go to school too early alone. After the class, avoid staying in the classroom alone. Please make sure you have a company and avoid going to the remote blind spot in the campus alone to ensure your personal safety. Do not leave the campus too late; never walk on dark, small lanes or places that are hard for people to get to alone, as well as access to dangerous places.

  • 學生若於校內外遭遇陌生人或發現可疑人物,應立即通知師長或快速跑至人潮較多地方或最近便利商店,大聲喊叫吸引其他人的注意,尋求協助。請各級學校提醒校外賃居學生尤須注意門戶安全及可疑份子,並配合防疫指引事項,避免不必要外出;另行經偏僻昏暗巷道時,應小心不明人士跟蹤尾隨,並隨身攜帶個人自保物品如哨子等,以備不時之需。

If encountering a stranger or finding any suspicious person inside or outside the campus, students shall report to teachers immediately or run fast to a place with more people. When walking through remote and dark lanes, please pay attention to whether you are followed by any unknown person. Students shall bring personal protective items at all times, such as pepper spray or whistles for unexpected needs.

  • 居住安全(Home Safety):
  • 有關居家防火安全請至內政部消防署網站(https://www.nfa.gov.tw/cht/index.php),參考並請多加利用「居家消防安全診斷表」。
  1. Home fire safety: https://www.nfa.gov.tw/cht/index.php?code=list&ids=301
  • 另居家用電安全,請至台灣電力公司(電力生活館)網站(https://www.taipower.com.tw/tc/index.aspx),參考清潔保養篇、用電安全篇及居家生活篇等用電安全文宣知識。
  1. Home electricity safety: https://www.taipower.com.tw/tc/news_noclassify.aspx?mid=323
  • 賃居安全(Rental housing safety):
  1. 使用瓦斯熱水器沐浴及瓦斯爐煮食時,要注意室內空氣流通,使用時切忌將門窗緊閉,易導致因瓦斯燃燒不完全,而肇生一氧化碳中毒事件;有頭昏、噁心、嗜睡等身體不適情況發生,應立即打開通往室外的窗戶通風,若身體嚴重不適時,請先前往通風良好的室外環境,再打 119 電話或與親友(學校)求助,以維護學生自身安全。外出及就寢前亦必須檢查用電及瓦斯是否已關閉,以確保安全。
  2. 學校主動關心校外租屋學生,並藉由訪視賃居,特別提醒學生使用電器、瓦斯熱水器等使用安全事項並安裝住警器,以避免意外事件發生此外,參考內政部消防署網站(https://www.nfa.gov.tw/cht/index.php)

有關「防範一氧化碳中毒居家安全診斷表」,並運用寄發家長聯繫函, 使學生了解自我檢查方法,以落實防範一氧化碳中毒作為。

When using a gas water heater for showering or a gas stove for cooking, make sure the ventilation indoor and on the corridor is circulated. Do not close the doors and windows tightly when using these equipment, as well as make sure the laundry hung up will not block the ventilation window and lead to carbon monoxide poisoning caused by incomplete gas combustion. If you feel dizzy, sick, drowsiness or similar situation of discomfort, please open the window that has outdoor ventilation. If you feel seriously ill, please go out to the outdoor environment with good ventilation before calling 119 or relatives and friends (university) for help in order to protect your safety. Before going out or going to bed, you must check whether the necessary electricity and gas have been turned off to ensure safety. The official website of National Fire Agency, (MOI: https://www.nfa.gov.tw/cht/index.php?code=list&flag=detail&ids=286&article_id=745 )

  • 宣導資訊素養與倫理教育(Internet addiction prevention):


提供了種類多元的應用程式與遊戲下載,因此更容易使得學生沉迷於網路世界或遊戲,近年來由於過度沉迷於玩手機遊戲所引發的病症也逐漸增多,特別是對肩頸、手腕與眼睛的傷害,請注意安全上網、網路使用行為及時間管理等問題,避免過度依賴 3C 產品,以培養孩子正確使用網路的態度、技能和習慣,養成健康上網好習慣。

Being obsessed on mobile phone games will cause damage to shoulder, neck, wrist, and eyes. Please develop a good habit of healthy internet.

  • 網路賭博防制(Online gambling prevention):

若學生涉及網路賭博情事,應通知學校依據本部校安通報作業要點即時通報與介入輔導, 並由學校截取畫面及網址,提供教育主管機關通知警政單位查處,或向「iWIN 網路內容防護機構」提出反應,以防止學生接觸有害身心之網路內容,共同保護莘莘學子,營造純淨的學習環境。

If you find out anything related to online gambling, please notify the Campus Safety Center immediately for timely reporting and intervention for guidance. Make sure you intercept the screen and the website address for educational competent authority to inform policy agency for investigation.

  • 犯罪預防(Crime prevention):
  • 請學校提醒同學切勿從事違法活動如:

如飆車、竊盜、販賣違法光碟軟體、參加犯罪組織活動或從事性交易(援交)等。另近年來逐漸增多的電腦網路違法事件如:非法散布謠言影響公共安寧、違法上傳不當影片、入侵他人網站竊取或篡改資料等, 請各級學校加強學生網路使用認知素養並尊重個人隱私權益,以免誤蹈法網。

Students must not participate in illegal activities such as racing, stealing, selling illegal DVD software, joining activities held by crime organizations or engage with sexual transaction (compensated dating).

  • 加強暑假期間推動兒童及少年性剝削防制教育宣導:


In the past few years, the number of computer internet violation is increasing, such as sexual violence, spreading rumors illegally to affect public order, uploading improper videos illegally, invading other people’s website to steal or alter information. Please respect personal privacy rights and interests to avoid violating legal regulations by mistake.

  • 遊戲用槍防制:


Recently, guns for survival games are much easier to purchase, any of misapplying might end up injuries. In consider of students’ safety, please do not buy or play with toy guns which are not suitable for ones age.

  • 校園傳染疾病及師生健康(Campus Infectious Diseases):


1. COVID-19、流感等呼吸道傳染病:請維持個人衛生好習慣、勤洗手,如有發燒或呼吸道症狀、出入人潮擁擠且無法保持社交距離或通風不良之場合、搭乘公共交通工具時,建議配戴口罩。

   Infectious diseases such as COVID-19, influenza: please maintain personal hygiene, if there is any kinds of symptoms, please wear mask in public transportation or any other kinds of situation that is unable to keep social distance.

  1. 腸胃炎等腸道傳染病:在外用餐應注意個人及環境衛生,用肥皂或洗手乳洗手,不生飲、不生食,與他人共食時應使用公筷母匙。

Intestinal infectious diseases: please mind personal and environmental hygiene when eating outside, wash your hands, do not eat raw food, use another chopsticks when eating with others.

  1. 流行性結膜炎:外出戲水需注意雙手清潔,選擇乾淨戲水場所,並避免以手揉眼、共用毛巾。

Conjunctivitis: mind cleaning your hands, and swim in a clean venue, avoid rubbing eyes or use the same towel with others.


1. 選擇廠商:校園活動若有訂餐需求,請選擇經評鑑衛生優良之廠商,若訂餐量大,可分流訂購,以確保供餐品質。

   Choosing suppliers: if there are needs to make food orders in campus activities, please choose restaurants which suit the hygiene requirement. If a massive amount of food is required, please try to make orders separately.

  1. 注意保存時間與環境:可請廠商於接近用餐時間送達,並儘速於 2 小時內食用完畢;若未馬上食用,應避免長時間置於細菌快速繁殖之危險溫度帶(7℃-60℃),且不置於地面、太陽直射、病媒出沒或髒污等地方。

Be aware of the expiration date and the environment: please tell restaurants make and deliver the food close to meal time, and finish them within two hours; if it will not be eaten immediately, it should not be placed in somewhere in a dangerous temperature (7℃~60℃).

  1. 用餐後若有身體不適,請盡速就醫,並通知學校。

If any uncomforting feelings occurred after meal, please go for medical treatment, and notify the school.


1. 掌握預警資訊:從事戶外活動前,建議運用「樂活氣象 APP-健康氣象服務」等工具掌握預警資訊,據以安排氣溫較低之日期與時段外出。

   Be careful of weather warnings: before outdoor exercises, please check applications which provide latest weather information, so as to plan the activities into the time that is in a relatively low temperature.

  1. 加強個人預防措施:穿著輕便、淺色、寬鬆、透氣衣服,利用寬邊帽或陽傘避免陽光直射臉、耳朵及脖子,選擇檢驗合格及適合臉型之太陽眼鏡保護眼睛;外出前 20 分鐘使用防水且 SPF 防曬係數 30 或更高防曬係數之防曬乳,並隨時留意身體狀況、補充水分與適當休息。

Enhance personal precautions: wearing light, light color, comfortable clothes, using board brim hat or umbrella to avoid the direct exposure in sunlight, choosing suitable sunglasses for eye protection; use sun cream which is water-proof and SPF 30 or higher, always mindful of your own condition, make sure there is enough water and rest.

  1. 相關資訊可逕至衛生福利部國民健康署「預防熱傷害衛教專區」參閱,網址:https://gov.tw/nGd

Information related could be found in the website of Health Promotion Administration, MOHW. (https://gov.tw/nGd)

  • 自殺防治(Suicide Prevention)
  • 提醒家長提高敏感度(可鼓勵家長參閱本部製作「該怎麼預防青少年自殺-家長篇」(https://reurl.cc/7k3opy)),視需要可聯繫學校協助轉介,或適時向當地衛生局或自殺防治中心尋求協助,或可運用衛生福利部安心專線1925或1995,24小時免費諮詢服務。

Parents could contact with school, health bureau or suicide prevention center for help if there is any need of counseling.

  • 學生發生意外事件之通報與聯繫管道(Reporting and communication channels when students are involved with any accident):


博愛校區:(02)23714063;天母校區:(02) 28719222

Dedicated line of Campus Safety Center in our university: Bo Ai Campus (02)23714063; Tian Mu Campus (02) 28719222
